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The Bösendorfer Recitals is a project funded entirely by Associazione Culturale Colle Ionci, with no state backing or private sponsorship.


We believe that culture can be sustained entirely with the support of those who have attended our concerts and supported our cause over the years, rather than relying on huge financial investments.

Though our concert season this year has been adversely affected, rather than waiting for better days or giving up entirely, we have created two classical music productions available to watch for free online.


Both productions, The Bösendorfer Recitals, and, seek to share culture in a new way whilst entertaining and connecting people from all over the globe.

Please consider donating to the Associazione Culturale Colle Ionci to help keep our productions alive.




to: Associazione culturale Colle Ionci

IBAN: IT88X0510439491CC0110520133




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